“All my scattering moments, are taken up, with my needle.” -Ellen Birdseye Wheaton, diary, 1851
I Finally Ordered Some Needle Minders
I finally did it! I ordered a needle minder. Ok, maybe I ordered 2. I could not decide which one I wanted. And who am I kidding, I always have more than one project started at a time anyway.
Losing my needle was never something I ever worried about. But lately, it seems every time I turn around, my needle has magically disappeared. So, ultimately, I gave in and purchased a couple of needle minders.
If you have never used a needle minder, I would highly recommend it. I do not know what took me so long to get one. These little things are so handy.
If you want to learn more about needle minders, check out my previous What is a Needle Minder post. If you are an avid cross stitcher or enjoy other types of embroidery patterns, you will love needle minders. They really do come in handy.
My Awesome New Needle Minders
After days of pondering over the vast selection of needle minders on Etsy, I finally decided on these 2. I think they are adorable. Thank goodness I ordered them when I did. The seller no longer has a store on Etsy.
UPDATE: The seller of the 2 needle minders listed below has a new store! You can find her at https://gallowaysgallery.myshopify.com/
1. Steamboat Willy Needle Minder/Magnet
It all started with a Mouse. I could not pass this little gem up. I love Mickey Mouse. Can you imagine a world with no Disney? I shudder at the thought.
2. White Rabbit Needle Minder/Magnet, Alice in Wonderland
My favorite Disney movie of all time is the Alice in Wonderland cartoon. I watched it every chance I got growing up. And when they would cut it to fit in the time frame, I would get so mad! Now, thanks to Disney Plus, I can watch it anytime I want.
Here are a few other fun needle minders. If you are interested, take a look.
My Current Cross Stitching Project
Since I only purchased 2 needle minders, I guess I should only have two cross stitching projects going at once. Blah, blah, blah…. Listen to me ramble. I mean, I guess I had better order some more needle minders.
At the moment, I am focused on completing a bird feeder pattern I started many many years ago. Literally, like 20 some odd years ago. It was one that I kept putting to the side. Every time I would find another amazing pattern, the bird cross stitch pattern got put away. Finally, it ended up stored away in a plastic tub. I always told myself I would finish it.
Now the time has come. I am bound and determined, I am going to finish it before I start my next super awesome design. But for some reason, it just keeps dragging on. I will do it. I swear, this time, I will get it done.
My Upcoming Cross Stitch Projects
The next pattern I am getting ready to start is amazing! It is an Iron Man cross stitch pattern by Mandarinks Design. If you have never seen her work, check it out. You can find her on Instagram at mandarinks_design or Facebook at Cross-stitch patterns by MandarinksDesigns (Nadine Grigorieva). And she has some cross stitch designs for free.
As of September 2021, she does not have a store. However, all you have to do is contact her on Instagram, if you are interested in any of her patterns.

After I complete Iron Man, it is on to a cool Alice in Wonderland cross stitch pattern. I am super excited to get to this one. But first, I must finish the bird feeder cross stitch design. I swear, it is like I am in the Twilight Zone when I am working on it. I stitch and stitch and stitch. And there is always more to do.

Free Cross Stitch Patterns from Mandarinks Designs on Facebook
You can find free cross stitch patterns from Mandarinks Designs on her Facebook page HERE.
Hey Arnold / Free Cross Stitch Pattern
Paper Plane / Free Cross Stitch Pattern
Walt Disney Up House and Balloons / Free Cross Stitch Pattern
Notre-Dame de Paris / Free Cross Stitch Pattern

Lunar Phases / Free Cross Stitch Pattern
Dragons / Free Cross Stitch Pattern
Lucky Cricket (Mulan's Cri-Kee) / Free Cross Stitch Pattern
The Grinch / Free Cross Stitch Pattern
If you are an avid cross stitcher or just learning how to cross stitch, are needle minders a necessity? Nope, but I think I need about a dozen of them. They really do come in handy.
