Book Review: City of Villains by Estelle Laure a Disney Hyperion Book

“You're going to have to choose between your head and your heart...” - Estelle Laure, City of Villains
I am not a fast reader, and I always have a million other things going on. So, I do not get to read as much as I would like. However, I did get a book read the same year it came out. That is amazing for me! Most of the time, I read older books that I have had sitting on my shelves for years. And I have a ton of them!
Young Adult Books Are for Adults Too!!!
I enjoy all types of books, except romance. Give me horror and murder mysteries over love stories any day. And there are a lot of good books aimed at young adults that do not get the love they deserve since “Adults” do not think they are for them. This is one of those books. Another YA author I enjoy is Christina Henry. If you haven’t read any of her Fairy Tale inspired books, you are missing out.
I stumbled across this book at Barnes & Noble. The cover caught my attention right away. The comic book graphic style made me pick it up and flip through the pages. Although I already had a couple of other books picked out, this one went in my pile too.
I had to see who designed the cover. It was Phil Buchanan. And to find out he is from Ohio! Check out his designs if you get a chance. He is very talented. You can find his page HERE.
About City of Villains
Title: City of Villains Author: Estelle Laure
Publisher: Wednesday Books Publication date: February 2021 Genre: Fiction / Young Adult